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Service Hours Program

All SCC students are required to serve a minimum of 15 hours of service in order to pass their Religion class. However, many SCC students go above and beyond the minimum requirements. The goal of this program at St. Charles Catholic High School is to enable each student to serve others and fulfill the commandment of Jesus to love one another as He has loved us.

When reviewing the Service Hour Program requirements, please notice that the Covid 19 exemptions and accommodations have been omitted. Please familiarize yourself with the Pre-Approved List as it has also been updated

Service Hours important Dates

Service Hours Deadline is Friday, March 28, 2025 for all students.

500 Bonus Points Awarded if Service Hours are turned in on or before Friday, September 6, 2024.

300 Bonus Points Awarded if Service Hours are turned in on or before Friday, January 31, 2025.

SERVICE HOURS PROGRAM: 2024-2025 School Year

Philosophy: The best way to spread the Good News of Christ to the world is to live the Good News of Christ in our daily lives.

Goal: The goal of SCC Service Hours Program is two-fold: one, to enable each student to serve others and fulfill the commandment of Jesus to love one another as He has loved us; and two, to allow students an opportunity to reflect in a serious way about their service experience.

Service Hours RequirementAll students are required to perform a minimum of 15 hours of service per school year. Service Hours Due Date is Friday, March 28, 2025 for all students.

What must be turned in*: 

The student must submit the following to his/her Religion teacher**:

  1. A fully and properly completed Service Hours Log Sheet;
  2. A fully and properly completed Service Hours Verification Form(s)***;

All forms should be stapled together in the order listed above, with the Log Sheet on top

* ALL forms must be submitted to the student’s Religion teacher. Service Hours forms WILL NOT be accepted in the office at any time.

** Religion teachers will verify and ensure that all Forms are fully and properly completed, and they will attest as such by completing the box of information at the bottom of the Service Hours Log Sheet. Religion teachers will forward completed Forms to the Campus Ministry Service Hour Coordinator.

*** Service Hours Verification Forms MUST be signed by the supervisor/coordinator of the project or non-profit organization. PARENTS MAY NOT SIGN VERIFICATION FORMS. You need a separate Verification Form for each organization where you perform service hours. You also need a separate Verification Form for each supervisor/coordinator who supervises or coordinates the performance of your service if you do multiple types of service at one organization.  

Consequences for Not Turning in ALL Service Hours by the March Due Date

Pre-approval of service hoursThe overall objective of the service hour program is to affirm service. To help students select service hours projects, there is a list of pre-approved service hour projects. The List is located on the back of the Service Hours Verification Form and on the school’s website. The list of pre-approved projects is not exhaustive, meaning that other service hour projects may be done; however, any service hour project that is not on the Pre-Approved List may be rejected if the service project does not fit within the approval guidelines established by the service hours program. If you would like to do a service project that is not on the pre-approved list, please speak to the Campus Minister.

Approval Guidelines for Service Hours Projects The primary, but not only, criteria for service hours’ approval is that service hours are performed on behalf of a non-profit organization whose mission is consistent with, or at least not in opposition to, the mission, beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.

Some* of the reasons for service hours not being approved would include the following:

    * NOTE: This list is not an exhaustive list.

Fourth Quarter Grade for Service Hours

For Service Hours turned-in by the March Deadline:

Total Points - Calculation used in Grade Determination:

The Total Points used to determine a student’s grade will be calculated on the Service Hours Log Form, verified by the student’s Religion teacher, and checked by the Campus Ministry Service Hour Coordinator.


On the Service Hours Log Form there are 5 columns, and multiple rows.

On each row of the Log Form the student should record information taken from ONE Service Hours Verification Form. In other words, the number of rows of information on the Log Form should be equal to the number of Verification Forms.

  1. The first column should contain the name of the Non-Profit Organization where the student performed his/her service hours. (Line 1 from the Service Hours Verification Form).
  2. The second column should contain the “Service Code.” The “Service Code” contains a “letter” (A, B, or C) and a “number.” A list of Service Codes is contained on the Pre-Approved Service Hours Project List.
  3. The third column should contain the # of Hours of service performed at the non-profit organization listed in the second column.
  4. The fourth column should contain the “Quality Points” assigned to the service that was performed. The Quality Points are either 100, 75, or 25. See the Pre-Approved Service Hours Project List, or the Request for Service Hours Approval Form.
  5. The fifth column is for the “Line Points.” “Line Points” are determined by multiplying the # of hours (column 3) by the Quality Points (column 4).

Bonus Points available:

500 Points if the minimum number of hours are reported before September deadline, or

300 Points if the minimum number of hours are reported by the January deadline.

200 points if the minimum number of hours are completed with your church parish.

200 points if the minimum number of hours are completed with your parent(s) serving with you.

Service Awards

There is a reward system for those students who feel called to go beyond the minimum hours. THE DEADLINE TO TURN IN SERVICE HOURS TO BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE SERVICE AWARDS IS THE MARCH DUE DATE.

         10,000 points or more = Golden Service Award

         6,000 – 9,999 points = Silver Service Award          

         3,000 – 5,999 points = Bronze Service Award

  1. Since the Service Hour Project is 20% of the student’s 4th quarter grade, failure to meet the March deadline will mean the project grade wil be recorded as a ‘0’ until ALL required service hours are turned in; and/or
  2. Once the service project has been turned in, 20 points will be deducted from the grade; and/or
  3. Students who miss the March deadline, and who do not complete their service hours before the last day of classes will receive an                Incomplete, “I,” for their yearly Religion grade until ALL service hours are    turned in; and/or
  4. Seniors who do not complete their service hours before the last day of senior classes will receive an Incomplete, “I,” for their yearly Religion    grade until ALL service hours are turned in; in addition, the student will not be allowed to participate in any graduation ceremonies, and will      not be allowed to graduate until ALL service hours are complete; and/or
  5. Any student not completing ALL his/her service hours by August 1, 2025 will not be allowed to return to St. Charles Catholic High School. 
  • The organization’s mission, and/or business, is inconsistent with and/or contrary to the mission, beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church, such as Planned Parenthood, or any pro-abortion organization, etc.
  • The organization is in business for profit, such as a mall, retail outlet, law office, doctor's office, dance school, etc.   
  • The service includes any activity that would monetarily profit or benefit the person doing the service, a family member, relative or longtime friend. 
  • The service is seen as exploiting the person doing the service.
  • The service involves raising funds for an organization whereby the funds only benefit the student and not the organization, such as raising money to attend a convention.
  • The service involves selling candy, raffle tickets, discount cards, etc.
  • All students will receive a letter grade for service hours performed.
  • The grade will count for 20% of the student’s fourth quarter Religion grade.
  • The student’s grade will be determined by the Total Points, (see below to learn how to calculate), and when all service hours forms are turned-in to student’s Religion teacher. Specifically, grades will be determined as follows:
  • If a student turns in ALL 15 service hours by the March deadline, and earns 1500 or greater Total Points, the student will receive the highest “A,” in the teacher’s grade book.
  • If a student turns in ALL 15 service hours by the March deadline, and earns between 1125 and 1499 Total Points, the student will receive the highest “B,” in the teacher’s grade book.