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Curriculum Plan

St. Charles Catholic High School operates a four-or–five-year program. Students will not be allowed to graduate before completion of 12th grade.  Each SCC student must earn 26 units to graduate. Students are required to take the religion course prescribed for each grade level they attend at St. Charles Catholic High School. Students are required to schedule an appropriate math course each year. Before graduation, students are required to schedule either the physics or environmental science course according to each course’s prerequisites.  For more information about courses offered, please see the 2024-2025 Program of Studies.


Education in the living and learning of the Roman Catholic religion is considered the most important aspect of life at St. Charles Catholic High School. The Religion Department's course offerings are structured to cover basic elements of the Roman Catholic faith as rooted in the study of Sacred Scripture. It is expanded through the life and teaching of the Church. It is expressed in the witness of those lifestyles rooted in the Catholic faith experience.

As young Christian adults, students are encouraged to exhibit Christian behavior at all times.  They are encouraged to build genuine Christian friendships with one another. They are helped to understand the value and strength which come from common goals. They are led to appreciate the bond which is formed in and through Christian prayer and liturgy. The expression fostered in the classroom is directed toward a deeper experience of community which is found in the various religious services and retreat programs that are offered throughout the year.

The religion program constantly holds before the student's view the call of Christ to be of service to others.  Through the "Service Project," the student is exposed to the kinds of services that are practical and possible for young men and women to aid in their religious and Faith development. 


1. Creed
2. Sacraments
3. Old Testament
4. New Testament
5. Church History
6. Catholic Morality
7. Christian Lifestyles
8. Christian Justice


1. SCC Community Mass with Entire Student Body
2. Sacrament of Reconciliation Each Semester
3. The Living Rosary
4. Living Way of the Cross
5. Intimate Mass Opportunities with religion classes, teams, clubs, etc.
6. Retreat Day - First Day of School
7. Overnight Retreat for Seniors
8. Rosary said throughout the school during National Rosary Congress

Tracts of Life 

Service Projects: Tutoring, Hospitals, Summer Camps, Community Projects,  Right-to-Life, helping the hungry, disaster help, etc.  

Peer Ministry: 
1. Leading class retreats
2. Planning school liturgies
3. Leading retreats for feeder schools
4. Organizing service projects   
5. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
6. Liturgical choir / Music Ministry

Graduation Requirements

Religion - 4 credits
English - 4 credits
Mathematics - 4 credits 
Social Studies - 4 credits 
Science - 4 credits 
Health & Physical Education - 2 credits
Foreign Language - 2 credits
Fine Arts - 1 credit
Electives - 2 credits

Total 26 credits

*Course offerings subject to change under guidelines of the Louisiana Department of Education.

*SCC courses usesstate standards and ACT standards in conjunction with NCEA guidelines to design courses at all levels.