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SCC - Educating Students

Hello Comet Family!

St. Charles Catholic High School is the premier college-preparatory high school in the River Parishes. Academically, our goal is to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they’ll need to excel in college and in life while nurturing their faith and encouraging discernment of their gifts and talents. Our program is designed to place each student in a dynamic and challenging curriculum appropriate to his or her learning level.   

We offer  five levels of placement: Standard, Academic, Honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual-Enrollment.  Our ability to tailor the placement of each student based on his or her strengths allows for support and growth in our core curriculum, while our various elective courses enrich and inspire the minds of our students. 

You are more than a number at SCC! You are a child of God, and we hope to help you fulfill His plan for your life.

The basics:

  •  7 courses per year - 7 classes per day
  • School begins at 7:30 AM
  • Late Start Thursday - Classes begin at 9 AM 
  • School ends at 2:30 PM

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in our academic programs!


Carly Flynn, MFA (C/O 2009)

Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Communication
